Sorry, been rather busy as of late.. Had both laptops out of commission for a while, one due to a botched OS upgrade (Ubuntu 11.04 needs some work, you guys at Canonical) the other one.. Well.. Netbook keyboards aren't beerproof, as I found out.
I did score a replacement netbook keyboard for $19! (Google HQRP, they're where I got it from)
A couple updates.
We have a Barley Crusher now! 2 Brews done now with the BC, and our tun efficiency is up around 10% higher than the crush we got from the LHBS! (Default 0.039" gap from the factory on the BC)
Decided to lighten up our signature IPA (Safeword IPA) by pulling back on the grains a bit, and swapping out cascade for Citra hops. We're calling it "Safeword for Bubblegummers" as its gonna end up below 5%ABV.
We got some Hop rhizomes in, but have yet to plant them. I know, its like *really* late in the year now to put them in the ground, but, Hey.. I've been busy. :)
My Appfelwein is still in primary (I think over 2 months now) Its clear enough to read a paper through, but its going to get at least another month in primary before I rack it to a corney, and age it another 3-4 months.
I spent some time in the Pacific Northwest (Spokane, WA) to hang out with my sister for a while.. It was a good thing. Alas, my pipeline got all emptied out, and its taking me a bit to get back into the brewing groove.
The Grill pictured in my fire safety post has been retired, and in its place is a shiny new Standard Webber charcoal grill.. Did up some NY strips on it the other night, and life is good again.
I'll get back on the brewing, and back on keeping this blog updated.
Happy brewing, and LETS GET THE SUMMER ON!